Welcome to Tez Books by Innovative ERP Solutions Ltd. (IESL)

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Document Management

According to some studies, 19.8 % of business time – the equivalent of one day per working week – is wasted by employees searching for information to do their job effectively. Data shows that “the knowledge worker spends about 2.5 hours per day, or roughly 30% of the workday, searching for information.

The storage of data in paper form is time-consuming as it needs to be printed, filed, and maintained in a physical storage system that can take up a lot of room in an office. Utilize the time, effort, and money that goes into the maintenance of documents in more productive activities by merely switching to TEZ BOOKS document management system.

As per the Income-Tax Act, business owners are required to maintain documents for six years while specific provisions require maintaining records for 10 to 16 years. TEZ BOOKS eliminates the need for physical bookkeeping to a large extent, thereby reducing the risk of losing essential documents.

Now no more reasons of lost documents either through oversight or force majeure. All your invoices, purchase bills, expense vouchers, delivery challans, customer records, and reports are safe on TEZ BOOKS accounting software in electronic form, the easiest way to store, retrieve or review any of your documents, anyplace, anywhere provided you have access to what is relevant to your function in the business.

Account ERPs Document Management feature has its advantages, which include:

  1. Easy to implement and Manage
  2. Increased Productivity
  3. Eliminates Human Error
  4. Reduces Costs
  5. Improves Customer and Vendor Relationships
  6. Increased Security
  7. Maintain Regulatory Compliance
  8. Reduces the risk of damage and loss.

The feature allows you to store copies of the supporting documents (SOs, Challans, Purchase Invoices, Sales Invoices, Expense vouchers etc.) in electronic form (PDF/JPG) with every transaction. You can quickly locate any record when you require from your PC or Mobile phone.

Shoe-box accounting helps you upload documents at source and track pending documents. It also helps you monitor TAT in processing of each document.

We’re here to help to grow your business.

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